

Reflection Blessing

I love blessings I love that we have these times of year and occasions in life that call for them Greetings Birthdays Goings New beginnings (May the road rise up to meet you) With the new year, there are always… Continue Reading →

The In-Between Time

  Not long ago I came across the lovely Marcel Proust quote Let us be grateful to people who make us happy they are the charming gardeners who make our souls blossom. How delicious is that! It made me think… Continue Reading →

The Ghosts That We Knew

Funny how one’s brain questions, squints, guesses How it holds on to ideas conceptions only entertaining niggling sensations with grudging skepticism Curdling those things the gut knows with complete conviction certitude peace After 23 years, my viscera knew him. Immediately…. Continue Reading →

When Her Problems are Bigger Than Yours

“Who do you talk to when anyone who really gets you is having bigger problems?” This came across my Facebook feed today. My reply? “You talk to them anyway if they’re available and willing. Just because someone may be dealing… Continue Reading →

Answered in Fear

I didn’t want to sit there in that parking lot mouth on your crotch or holding you in my hand, even. You asked me if I wanted to “see it”. No. No is always the answer. I never want to peep…. Continue Reading →

Green Grass Guilt

Who doesn’t like a nice, pithy saying designed to make you think? I love them. I used to think this kind of saying was included in that category. But it’s not. This is guilt. This is judgment. This, my friends,… Continue Reading →

I blame her.

I have a friend who is married to someone who abuses her and their children seven ways ’til Sunday. He doesn’t punch her, and he would throw a fit if he heard it called Abuse. It’s not all the time, maybe… Continue Reading →

You’ll have to Take it Up With God, Because it Wasn’t My Idea.

It hadn’t been one of Seth’s better days. Seth had had a meltdown during therapy and I was in need of some downtime. He was content to be in his jumper for a bit, so i asked Kennedy and Erin… Continue Reading →

My Inconvenient Truth

My dearest Seth, I have done a lot of thinking today and have drawn this conclusion: Truth is, you are inconvenient. During the quietest moments of any given church service, you indulge your urges to sing, clap and chant, “mommamommamomma!”as… Continue Reading →

Solitary Confinement

Sometimes we look at physical and sexual abuse and know that those are the “bigger”, or “worse” forms. Emotional abuse seems so slight, so minute, so “less than” in the world of punches & rape, but the subtleties of control… Continue Reading →

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